

I have always loved music and have played the violin and the piano from a young age. During my school years I was involved in many ensembles and orchestras, and developed a taste for both classical and popular music.I have had a go at playing many other instruments over the years including the guitar, viola and clarinet.

I studied music at A-level and was interested in the history of music and also learnt to harmonize music in the classical tradition. I am a grade 8 violinist, and a grade 5 music theorist.

Currently I play the piano at church on a regular basis, which includes both traditional and modern hymns and praise music. I also conduct the church social choir which sings a variety of music, mainly religious, both classical and contemporary.

I have always fancied turning my hand to composing to see what I could produce, and on this page you see the current fruits of my labor which I intend to expand and improve on over the next few years.